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Alistaire Nzekio
Mar 26, 20182 min read
New to this? what to expect from your journey, program, and most important, YOU!
New to Working Out? Here’s What to Expect If this is the first time you are working out, welcome! We are glad that you have decided to...
Alistaire Nzekio
Mar 12, 20182 min read
How to set, track, and monitor your progress parameters to maximize your "result success".
What ever your goal is, from weight loss to fat loss to exercise performance, YOU need to be able to track how you are doing...
Alistaire Nzekio
Nov 20, 20172 min read
Don't feel like it? That's exactly when you should.
Think of all the reasons why you didn't want to workout or eat better that day, week or month. Or how many times you said to yourself...
Alistaire Nzekio
Nov 6, 20172 min read
Why are you waiting for the right time!?
Through out my career I have had my fare share of excuses as to why someone isn't ready to get their fitness journey started. From lack...
Alistaire Nzekio
Oct 17, 20172 min read
Proper Goal Setting, Tracking & Tweaking!
Everyone has at least a mental image of what they wish they could look like, bigger chest, flatter stomach, bigger arms, bigger calves,...
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