NOTE: click on the exercises for the YouTube video demonstration.
| Difficulty: intermediate |
Always start with dynamic stretches. | Roll for 30 to 90 secs each side
Follow with a warm up of a 5 min treadmill or elliptical jog.
Cardio Blast: High intensity interval Training, using treadmill or elliptical.
Walk for 1 min, then jog/sprint for 1 min....REPEAT PROCESS until you reach 5 min maximum, (that's 3 walks & 2 sprints).
Sequence 1 | alternate between A-B-C-D-E exercises | for a total of 3 sets of 10 reps.
1D: Push ups
1E: Pull ups (wide grip) or assisted pull ups (machine)
Cardio Phase: High intensity interval Training, using treadmill or elliptical.
Walk for 1 min, then jog/sprint for 1 min....REPEAT PROCESS until you reach 5 min maximum, (that's 3 walks & 2 sprints).
Core Phase: 10 reps total per exercises. | 3 sets total | alternate between 1-2-3 each exercises
In & Outs <--take your time, squeeze stomach actively *take breaks if needed*
Cable Core Twist <--take your time, squeeze stomach actively
Flexibility Phase: Hold for 30 secs or more, per side. | Breathe & relax.
check out our remote fitness program | our online personal training programs or contact me at alistaireNF@Gmail.com and lets get you structured right away.
